Success Is Hard

Published: April 25, 2023, 8 a.m.


In episode 119 of the Done with Dieting podcast, I delve into why success is hard, especially regarding our health journeys. I discuss the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and avoiding placing blame on others or circumstances. Through my own experiences, I\'ve learned that success is quite simple when we focus on one thing at a time and determine whether it works for us.\\xa0

Understanding your health and adopting healthy habits are essential stepping stones in the journey toward greater well-being. It is the responsibility of each person to recognize when something is working or not working for their body, assess their own needs, and make the necessary changes for optimal health.\\xa0

The real challenge lies in our willingness to make the necessary sacrifices and prioritize our own needs. By addressing emotional baggage and developing the right mindset, we can create optimal health for ourselves instead of trying to fit into a specific cultural standard.\\xa0

In order to do this, individuals must drop any expectations to adhere to cultural standards or specific body types and instead, focus on creating personalized health-related goals that feel achievable and motivating. Paying attention to your health is not always an easy process, but the challenge can be minimized when you face yourself honestly. By staying aware of your own habits and their impact on overall health, you can identify effective steps toward improvement. It\\u2019s important to be patient and inquisitive when it comes to implementing changes, as this willingness to explore what\\u2019s happening with you more deeply can be a highly rewarding experience.

When we can understand that we are the ones in control of our health and our destiny, then we have the opportunity to get out of our own way and get on our own side. - Elizabeth Sherman

This episode will inspire you to persevere and believe in yourself, as these skills can be applied to all areas of your life.

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