How to Make Good Decisions

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, 8 a.m.


We are always making decisions.

One of the roles that I serve my clients with is helping them to make decisions.

See, we THINK that there\\u2019s a right decision and a wrong decision: Should I change jobs? Or not? Should we go to Florida for our vacation? Or California? Should I go to this movie? Or that one? Should I cut my hair? Or keep it the same?

In a world where so much importance is put on us making the \\u2018right decision\\u2019 in regards to vaccines and choosing political leaders, it\\u2019s no doubt that so many of us suffer from analysis paralysis.

We see this all the time when it comes to deciding which gym to join, which fitness class to go to, or which dietary guidelines to follow. We get so in the weeds of gathering information that it keeps us from taking action - which then ironically just delays the decision.

Many times, making a decision & having your own back\\xa0 is the best decision to make.

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