How to Feel

Published: March 23, 2021, 8 a.m.


Most of us view our own emotions negatively - like they\\u2019re inconvenient, embarrassing, they\\u2019re unnecessary, they get in the way, or they\\u2019re feminine and silly. And for others, because they haven\\u2019t been in the practice of feeling their emotions, the emotions can be scary or unpredictable.

But emotions can be useful tools because they give us clues to what\\u2019s happening around us and what we\\u2019re really thinking. Additionally, they\\u2019re part of being human - and there\\u2019s no escaping having them.

More often than we realize, emotions are what drive our decisions - even for the most logical among us. So, getting in touch with what we\\u2019re feeling and why can lead to a really profound awareness about why we do what we do - especially when it comes to being able to keep commitments to ourselves, procrastinating, or getting our shiz together.

In this episode, learn the steps to become emotionally intelligent so that you can become aware of your emotions, and have better control over them, and therefore your life.

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