How Policy Impacts our Health with Marissa McKool

Published: Aug. 16, 2022, 8 a.m.


Is it rest? Or laziness?

How do you think about rest? Is it something that you think that you have to earn? Do you feel guilty if you\\u2019re sitting and other people are doing? Do you believe that rest is just laziness in disguise?

So many women are socialized to believe that we have to constantly produce results or we don\\u2019t feel like we\\u2019re \\u201cearning our keep\\u201d - that we always have to be doing for others in order to feel good about ourselves.

My guest on this episode works with folks who work in public health to help them recover from burn out, and understand how rest is important.

We also take a deep dive into the complex topic of how we vote, and our elected lawmakers directly impact our health, wellness, and weight.

About Marissa McKool

Marissa McKool, MPH is a former public health leader turned career and life coach who helps public health professionals eliminate their burnout without quitting their job. Marissa received her MPH from Emory University and held several leadership roles in government and academia working on sexual violence prevention and reproductive health, before finding herself burning out. Through coaching, she was able to eliminate her stress without anything outside of her changing and now helps others do the same. She is also the host of the Redefining Rest Podcast, where she helps listeners reduce their workload, create more time, get more rest, and feel better.
