How did I gain 5 lbs over the weekend?

Published: July 6, 2021, 8 a.m.


Has it ever happened to you where you had a weekend where you indulged a bit only to get on the scale on Monday & be completely discouraged?!? As you get on the scale, you see that your weight is up - 5 lbs?!?

All of your hard work down the drain!\\xa0

It feels like you\\u2019re starting back at square one.

What happened?\\xa0

Is it possible to gain 5 lbs over the weekend? The answer is yes - and no.

I mean, clearly it is, because so many of us have had this experience. But is it truly fat? BUT more importantly, what can you do to get rid of it?

In this episode, I\\u2019m sharing the exact steps you need to take in order to shed that 5 lbs before your next weigh in.

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