How Coaching Can Pay for Itself

Published: Aug. 29, 2023, 8 a.m.


Feel like investing in your health is a luxury? Let\'s hit the pause button and explore the hidden costs of not getting your health in order and the rewards of investing in your well-being.\\xa0

Together, we\'ll unpack the societal pressures that women face regarding money and the pitfalls of quick fixes. More importantly, we\'ll shed light on the power of sustainable habits and learning to trust our bodies signals.

In the next part of our journey, the transformative power of coaching for health and well-being unfolds. I\'ll be sharing my coaching philosophy and the inspiring stories of Susan, Teresa, and Cheryl.\\xa0

These women bravely embarked on the path of change, learning to trust themselves and their bodies again. Their stories provide valuable insight into how investing in personal health and well-being can create a ripple effect of positivity in our lives.\\xa0

So, are you ready to join us on this journey of self-discovery and well-being? Let\'s prioritize our health together and live our best lives.

Chapter Summaries:

Hiring a Life and Health Coach (0:00:05)\\xa0

Investing in health through life and health coaching offers financial and personal benefits while neglecting health has hidden costs.

Coaching for Health and Well-Being Transformation (0:08:37)\\xa0

Investing in health and wellness yields meaningful changes pays for itself, and is doable.

"Prioritize your health and wellness, invest in yourself, and create a positive ripple effect in your life." - Elizabeth Sherman

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