Growth in the Plateaus

Published: June 1, 2021, 8 a.m.


Today\\u2019s guest on the Done with Dieting Podcast is a client spotlight: Annie.\\xa0

You are going to want to listen to Annie\\u2019s story because its one that so many of us resonate with: being first aware of our body & how it doesn\\u2019t fit in in our early teens, followed by years of dieting with some success only to find ourselves inexplicably gaining the weight back - unable to stop it - and then the cycle continues over and over and over again.

When Annie started coaching, she had no solid belief that she would be able to get to her goal and stay there. Listening to her body seemed like a platitude that sounds nice, but what does it actually mean? And the idea that she could sit down in front of a pizza with her family & not want to eat all of it was a pipe dream.

Annie\\u2019s journey was full of obstacles and barriers - the biggest were her long plateaus - sometimes upwards of 6 weeks!\\xa0

But Annie kept her focus - not letting the delays completely derail her progress. And as of the recording of this episode, she\\u2019s suuuuper close to her goal.

What she realized was that she needed those plateaus in order to grow into the person who is capable of maintaining her weight without food logs, or weighing herself, but rather with trusting herself, and being able to give her body what it needs instead of what her brain wants in the moment.

Tune in to listen to Annie\\u2019s incredible story of growth within the plateaus.

Get full show notes and more information here:
