Goal Setting Series 1: Setting Realistic Goals

Published: Dec. 27, 2023, 9 a.m.


Are your goals often oversized and unrealistic, leading to feelings of failure and disappointment when you can\'t meet them?\\xa0

Join me as I redefine goal setting in the context of midlife, focusing on the power of achievable, behavior-focused goals that lead to lasting change. I share personal experiences and insights, shedding light on the necessity of meeting ourselves where we currently are in life.\\xa0

We challenge the norm, demonstrating that it\'s entirely okay, and even necessary, to adjust and evolve our goals as we grow, highlighting the importance of flexibility in this process.

I also talk about common goal-setting myths, debunking them one by one. I illuminate the value of adaptability and the power of taking small, deliberate steps towards your future.\\xa0

I invite you to journey with me, transforming your aspirations into attainable realities, and making this year a year of true growth and fulfillment. Get ready to change your perspective on goal setting and align your goals with your life!\\xa0

Tune in, and let\'s shape an amazing day together.

Chapter Summaries

Setting Realistic Goals (0:00:04)\\xa0

Align goals with life stages, use behavior goals for lasting change, and break the cycle of feeling overwhelmed in setting ambitious goals.

The Power of Realistic Goal Setting (0:08:01)\\xa0

Focus on behaviors, embrace failure, and adapt goals as you grow. Start small and be flexible.

Achieving Goals (0:20:15)

Overcome myths in goal setting, adjust and adapt, join the Facebook group, practical tips for achieving goals.

Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/goal-setting-1
