Eating During the Holidays

Published: Nov. 29, 2022, 9 a.m.


When we think about the holidays, some folks think about the traditions, others think about the decorations, but most people think about the food!

Seasonal treats are one of the things that we look forward to at this time of the year - not only because we have our favorite delicious foods, but also because of the memories that come along with it. Foods from our childhood are comfort foods, and make us feel good!

The problem for some of us, is that we don\\u2019t feel so good come January. So, how do we navigate the holidays, stick to our commitments to ourselves, but also enjoy all the flavors that the season has to offer?

Don\\u2019t worry. I\\u2019ve got your back.

In episode 98 of the podcast, I\\u2019m sharing a few simple mindset shifts that will help you to not go overboard during the holidays so that when\\xa0 you wake up on January 2nd, you won\\u2019t feel like you need a do over, and a cleanse.
