Diet vs Just the Way I Eat

Published: March 8, 2022, 9 a.m.


What is the difference between a Diet with a Big D vs a Diet with a Small D?

What is the difference between a DIET - a way of eating that we follow from a book - and the idea that \\u2018this is just the way that I eat?\'

If you pay attention to social media, you\\u2019ll learn pretty quickly that diet is a four-letter word. That we should not be dieting, and that weight loss is bad.

But is it?

Are all diets bad? The vegetarian way of eating can be considered just the way someone eats, while someone else may look at it as a diet. How can we tell the difference between a good diet and a bad diet? Or is there such a thing?

Listen in to episode 60 to learn how to know if what you\\u2019re doing is subscribing to looking at food in an unhealthy way, or if you\\u2019re just eating & hipsters have now put a name on what you\\u2019re doing.
