ADHD in Women with Paula Engebretson

Published: Nov. 22, 2022, 9 a.m.


What if you found out that alllll of the stories that you tell yourself about what you\\u2019re not good at, and all of the negative internal dialog that you have about why you\\u2019re not good enough was explained away by a diagnosis?

That it wasn\\u2019t your fault?

I am so thrilled to have Paula Engebretson on the podcast today to talk about ADHD & how it presents in women, why women in midlife are getting diagnosed at alarming rates, and what some of the common signs and symptoms are.

Having her on the show was so enlightening & explained so much of the way that my own brain works. That I can\\u2019t wait to share her expertise with you.

Tune in to learn more about ADHD, how it affects women differently than men, how it differs than what you might think, and then what to do if you want to explore next steps.

About Paula Engebretson:

Paula Engebretson is a Life Coach, ADHDer, and productivity fanatic. She helps others with ADHD work with their brains to release perfectionism, take action, and get stuff done. Paula is dedicated to helping her clients step out of the neurotypical box, work with their strengths, and create their unique scaffolding to follow through on their goals and make things happen.\\xa0
