Comparison Kills

Published: April 12, 2021, 3 p.m.

This week Tully discusses the tough reality of watching your friends achieve life milestones you so desperately want, whilst feeling so far away from them.

Tully and Kate break down that awful feeling of bitterness and jealousy when all you want to be feeling is happy for someone else.


Whether it’s watching a friend get engaged or a co-worker get that promotion you were hoping for… it can be really bloody hard to maneuver all the feelings that come with being a 30-something year old.


On today’s episode:

  • An update on Kate’s BBAU journey
  • Big Brother VIP
  • Ex-best friends 
  • Comparing your life to other’s
  • How to combat the feelings of bitterness and jealousy


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This podcast was hosted by Tully Smyth & Kate Lancaster, produced by Matt Sofo for NOVA Entertainment’s Podcast Network.

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