Car recordings

Published: Jan. 8, 2021, 7:06 p.m.

Thank you for joining me on #todaystalk4yourwalk. You ever need to just get out the goodness and blessings of God?! Here’s where Car Recordings are birthed. I forego the fancy microphone (but nice, thank you, honey) and just use what I’ve got! Do you walk and journey through your life looking for God and His goodness? If no, why not? I share about seeing ourselves as God sees us— valued, loved and chosen. Even before you were born, God knew you. He created rest (Sabbath/Shabbat) for US; he didn’t need to rest on the 7th day, he chose to rest for OUR benefit. There’s a reason we are to honor the Sabbath- because He loves us so much that He wants us to experience the blessings of Shabbat. Will you join me in Shabbat? Customarily, Sabbath was honored Friday evening to Saturday evening. That’s my goal, but maybe yours is Monday to Tuesday, or Sunday to Monday. Whatever you choose, be intentional. We play, we rest, no work, God loves us- thanks to Marty Solomon on Bema Discipleship for that insight he shares with his kids. I pray this has helped you and given you encouragement. Share with a friend and subscribe to my show. Blessings to you!