Heaven, Hell or nowhere - where are you going?

Published: Aug. 5, 2018, 11 p.m.

Most people have some kind of idea of what they think will happen when they die. Mostly based on one's religion. If you do not follow any religion you go by ideas feed to you during your life. Things that sound good to you. The other view is you have no idea and do not really believe in anything after death. That view is very sad because it doesn't even give one a real reason for living.     People that don't believe in anything try hard at making themselves happy here while they can which is ony for a short time. As one gets older the years go by much faster. So you are on a downward cycle everyday of your life and your time frame is max 125 years but you are lucky to hit 100.  So there are many things one needs to do in this lifetime. One is find truth of soul and second what death really means.     The idea that no one knows the truth is people that just don't know themselves. So they have to make it like no one else knows either. Please understand if you don't work for those answers you will not get the truth. If you except anyone  elses ideas you are even in bigger trouble in most cases.     I had over five death experiencs. Four  times I  was in the hospital. I listen to people talking about death experiences and sadly most do not understand anything that really happened in them. Or they start making up stories and start calling themselves spiritual. I have been there but I never did that. The steps to take are not really that hard but people will make them much harder then they. Hopefully you  are  you are ready to look for the truth. I will dive into this in details today. You do not have to believe anything I say but hopefuly it will give you an idea in your life things you do need to prove to yourself.