How Do We Know If We Are On the Right Path?

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 5:45 p.m.

How much of my time am I aware of what I am doing and how often am I moving on autopilot? The brain can’t tell us what is best; its judgment is always skewed. It can overreach itself. How do we know the brain is taking us down the right path? How do we know which way is True North? My mind or ego always keeps me separate from others, its way only every serves the one – Me. When I move out of ego and into spirit I can’t lie to myself.

Mind, ego, can lead us down a dark path. We need to use the brain for what it is intended to be used for, doing the math of how to get from A to B. Whatever moves me in meditation helps me to be an easier person on the planet, my energy goes into areas that are good for us all. I don’t go down, fearful, back-biting, competitive paths. I see my mistake. If I’m on a path I shouldn’t be going down, I get off of it quickly.

What connects you with something beyond yourself? 5 minutes of quiet, stillness can help you to truly hear. Not thinking. We can correct our missteps and move into beauty, True North, love. We become a safe place for others. Ask yourself, “When do I give myself a few minutes of quiet?” Allow it. Give yourself permission to rest in the arms of the divine. Change direction or enjoy the reassurance that you are on the right path.