Parshas Mikeitz: - Understanding Yosef's Plan

Published: Dec. 14, 2023, 6:12 a.m.


Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on \\u05e4\\u05e8\\u05e9\\u05ea \\u05de\\u05e7\\u05e5.



  • The Gra answers a question on the Ramban, why would Yosef concoct a plan to torment his brothers and father just so he can fulfill his dreams?
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  • The Baal Haturin connects Yosef's accusation that the brothers were spies (\\u05de\\u05e8\\u05d2\\u05dc\\u05d9\\u05dd \\u05d0\\u05ea\\u05dd), with the 10 Meraglim in Parshas Shelach. What is the significance of this connection?
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  • Rabeinu Bchaya writes on the Pasuk, \\u05d5\\u05d0\\u05ea\\u05dd \\u05e2\\u05dc\\u05d5 \\u05dc\\u05e9\\u05dc\\u05d5\\u05dd \\u05d0\\u05dc \\u05d0\\u05d1\\u05d9\\u05db\\u05dd (go up to your father in peace), that this alludes to the Asara Harugei Malchus, and he elaborates how these 10 Tzadikim atoned for the sin of the brothers when they sold Yosef.
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