Parshas Korach: Understanding the Story of Korach

Published: June 19, 2023, 12:30 p.m.

b"Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on \\u05e4\\u05e8\\u05e9\\u05ea \\u05e7\\u05e8\\u05d7\\u200e.\\nDiscussed:\\n\\n The difference between Miriam\\u2019s mistaken assessment of Moshe and that of Korach\\u2019s & how they relate to the Rambam's \\xa07th and 8th principal of his 13 Ikirum.\\n The Meshach Chachma\\u2019s explanation of why Moshe was willing to put everything on the line to prove he was right, and why Korach had to be killed in such a supernatural way.\\n Why do the Ketores and the staff of Ahron have special powers to save innocent people?"