Edge of Tomorrow (2014) (feat. Liam Bouquet)

Published: Oct. 13, 2021, noon


Oh hell to the yeah, time sluts! Almost a year to the day after we had our very first guest on the podcast, we have our very first repeat guest! And, crazily enough, it's the same person! And still the person that lives with Paige! Because we are creative and resourceful! Anyway, welcome back to your ears, Liam Bouquet, a PHD candidate in politics who is still banned from Twitter and still coparents Paige's dogs. However, unlike last time, Paige and Liam are now married so everything is different and nothing is the same. Liam insisted we watch this movie after sitting through part of the garbage that was The Tomorrow War (see our 9/1/2021 episode), and this movie is, indeed, a much better version of that movie! Please enjoy all of our thoughts, mainly on how weird Tom Cruz is, but also on this movie and that we liked it. 

