A Timeless Christmas

Published: Nov. 25, 2020, 1 p.m.

Welcome to the slow-talking, apolitical winter-wonderland of Hallmark Christmas movies! This week, we go full-on Christmas mode with A Timeless Christmas, a movie that came out a week ago and takes place....in some recent unspecified year they refuse to clarify for us or the hot millionaire who has time traveled there from 1903. Listen up ya dumb time sluts, because we're going to teach you some moon science and also how PHD dissertations work in between talking about how hot this lead is. 

As you listen, why not click on the hyperlink that is our Twitter so that we feel better about ourselves and our lives. And also do the rate/review/subscribe shiz. Thank you and also you're welcome. 

Happy Turkey Day! Wear a mask! Talk about how we stole this land!