The Flava Featuring Monica & Ezle Lucianci

Published: April 15, 2015, 11 p.m.

About our features: *Ezle Luciani: - and Ms MONI - which stands for Motivated On Nothing Inclusive... A mother of 3, a Poet, a model, a business woman,  and a student of life, found her calling in spoken word in August 2014.. Ms Moni is the example of what a young, shy girl looks like conquering her fears and becoming a confident, powerful, ferocious lioness  First featured on DSR WELL SPOKEN then later on BSR: Lifted & Gifted  and Poetic Conversations. In high school she used to write poems because that was the only way to express what she felt and as she got older and life took turns, she fell off allowing the hard aches of life to distract her from using my gift. at the end of August at a spoken word event in her home town, she was inspired and ever since then have been writing. she is looking to make a big footprint both in the modeling world and the poetry scene. She is determined thru air waves and stages to make an impact on the world through her own life, showing people that they too can come thru and out whatever it is life has thrown their way.