Real Recognize Real Topic "Women who allow men to down them......."

Published: Dec. 18, 2014, midnight

Join Byron tonight with his topic "Women who allow men to down them when they become pregnant"  A networking family working together to make a change. Post your ads, advertisements, business information, classifieds, models post your pics, We have  a Online Magazine that we want to circulate and get  businesses known and work together to help each other. Don’t just like a post show some support and a few encouraging words. we all working hard to get ahead of the game, it works better as a team. We also have a talk/radio show Honey Drip Radio.  We are featuring  Music Artist Indie Artist Poets Spoken Word Models Entrepreneurs  Authors Motivational Speakers and more!!! This is Honey Drip Radio and Word of Mouthz we have the hottest talk show in town, we have open mic for advertisements, poets, rappers, singers, businesses, speakers, talk shows and more!!! Come showcase your talent. **POST YOUR POEMS, MUSIC LINKS AND EVENTS Honey Drip Radio Mission: To talent that is showcased to the next level. We are a voice that reaches thousands. We are here to serve. We are here to bring people into a position where they can showcase their creativity of the arts. Vision: A platform for showcasing talent from all genres and networking in unity. Join us and tune into our shows: Tuesdays~HDR Live 8-10PM Wednesday~Real Reognize Real 7PM every other Wednesday Wednesday~Voices Between the Lines 7pm Thursday~Beast Queens Sanctuary of the Mind 7PM Sunday~The Alabaster Box 7pm