Thu'umcast 21: Mods, Mods, and More Mods (AAC)

Published: Feb. 12, 2012, 11:30 p.m.




Welcome to episode 21 of "Thu\'umcast" - a podcast where Michael Lucas-Smith, Scott Dirk, Austin Haley, Makahlua and I document our trials and tribulations in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim\\n


There\'s big news to talk about today - the Skyrim Creation Kit is out, and we decided to have two conversations about it. Today, we talked about the Steam Workshop - the new way to download mods, some of the mods that have shown up there already, and about the really cool mod video that Bethesda put out to show us what kinds of things you can do with the kit. We\'ll talk about the Creation Kit itself next time, and then we\'ll get back to the perk trees.


If you liked our work on That Podcast, you\'ll probably like this. We intend to stay with the same idea - a gameplay podcast. If you don\'t want spoilers, don\'t listen - we are going to be talking about how we play the game, and what we ran across as we played.


You can subscribe in iTunes (or any podcatcher) using this feed, or this one for the AAC edition. We\'ll add the iTunes specific links as soon as they are available. In the meantime, join the Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter. If you play on Steam, join the Steam Group. Like the music? Pay Sbeast a visit, we thank him for letting us use it!


Links to all episodes and other information can be found on the Thu\'umcast page.


If you want to download the podcast directly, we\'ve provided it in three formats:


Got feedback? Tweet us!. Enjoy the podcast, and we\'ll see you in Skyrim!


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