EP 60: Understanding the Dining Experience and Why Food Is the Ultimate Connector

Published: Sept. 12, 2019, 4 a.m.



I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Kutina. Kutina is a Tanzanian American woman who\\xa0moved to the US in her childhood and has maintained strong ties with her home country.\\xa0
The dynamic woman who is also a stationary\\xa0in the US food and restaurant industry, take us behind\\xa0the scenes of some of your favorite restaurants. In this episode we become\\xa0a little more intimate\\xa0with service and the mechanics\\xa0of dining and food appreciation. Some of the topics we explore are\\xa0
  • Why\\xa0many African restaurants cannot get it right and how the realities of being a restaurateur far exceeds\\xa0the ability to cook a wonderful meal.\\xa0
  • Understanding what \'Organic\' on your food packaging\\xa0really means. We learn that\\xa0it is a holistic\\xa0approach to food. Considering things like, it is how what was the animal , fed , how was the animal treated, what environment was it reared
  • What to expect when you go to your favorite restaurants\\xa0 and knowing\\xa0what to expect through what the industry identifies as the \'Steps of Service\'\\xa0
  • \\xa0The Impossible Burger - the plant based burger developed by a scientist, taste, feels and smells like meat. Can be found at Cheesecake Factory, Bare Burger, White Castle and most recently Burger King\\xa0
Uncle Boon, Thai (Michelin Star Restaurant)\\xa0
Roberta , Pizza
The Lobster Club (The fish is shipped directly from Japan daily)
Dead Rabbit\\xa0 (Cocktails and the menu is presented in form a storybook)\\xa0
Mombar, Egyptian Restaurant ( Vibes is as if you are eating in the owners house)\\xa0
Connect with Kutina \\xa0-\\xa0@tanzamerican