Episode 143, Stardate 1406.10 "Planet Utah"

Published: June 10, 2014, 7:58 p.m.


Roxann Dawson is now on Twitter. @roxdaws\\n


Ten Forward:\\n
Chris - Twitter: Do u think "All Good Things" from TNG is better than any of the TNG movies?\\n
Someone on Twitter asked if people held on to the past and treasured nostalgia. I said no, burn it & was told I talk about a 50 year old show, so if that\\u2019s not nostalgia, what is?


Star Trek in pop culture:\\n
Fanboys (2009) - In this clip, assorted original Star Wars props are threatened with fire. Spot the Star Trek.\\n
[clip] 00:09


Episode insight: ENT S1: Dear Doctor (Our first Ent S1 review!)


Character insight - Spock


Subspace communications


Ken P.
