Pillow Talk Stays On The Sheets...

Published: Dec. 9, 2019, 5 a.m.

b'On this episode of This is Thirty, Gernique is joined by Gene and Jaleesa. Gene who has been married for 14 years talks about marriage longevity, motherhood, how social media has changed dating, new normals and much more.\\n(3:00) Gene talks about being a wife and mother of 2 at the age of 30. (7:00) Gene compares the world when she was 30 to the world now. (13:00) The girls have a brief discussion on who should love who more in a relationship and different types of love languages (actions vs communication). (27:00) Gene deep dives on the lack of women who are willing to compromise and the overall difference between compromising & settling. (32:00) Gene talks about the personal sacrifices that she has endured as a wife & mother. (35:00) The girls close out the podcast with a quick round of Song Association & Jaleesa blesses the game with her beautiful voice!'