Planet Bruce Intro Episode

Published: May 22, 2023, 4 a.m.

b'We are thrilled to announce our new season: Planet Bruce.

Aleks and I (Milenko) have secretly pre-recorded a backlog for this season, creating a captivating and dynamic collection of episodes. Bruce Willis, often hailed as the fourth "big action star" in the Pantheon of 80s/90s action cinema and renowned for his Planet Hollywood ventures, provides us with a unique opportunity. We delve into the enigmatic charm and smooth vocal talents of this genre-transcending star. From his expressive wide-eyed acting to his rugged grace, chiseled jawline, magnificent ever-receding hairline, and eventual embrace of glorious baldness, Bruce Willis represents the epitome of an everyday hero an American Joe. This allows us to explore things that we have not yet had the chance to discuss on the show.
Moreover, Bruce\'s willingness to take on supporting roles in movies opens up a vast array of topics for us to explore. We can now delve into a wide range of films, actors, and directors unlike ever before. Get ready to join us on an exhilarating journey through the world of Bruce in our exciting new season: Planet Bruce.

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