EP91 - Prometheus

Published: May 24, 2021, 4 a.m.

b'What could we possibly say about Ridley Scott\'s "Prometheus" that hasn\'t already been said by a million online think-pieces and deep youtube divers? A lot apparently. In many ways Prometheus is the perfect movie to hate because it encapsulates just how spectacular a failure can be. You can have a brilliant well directed piece of shit especially if you trust Damon Lidelof to write your script! This movie is profoundly shitty. But one must not gloss over the profundity of its shittiness. It is a brilliant exemplification of that tired cliche: so bad it\'s good. Except with Prometheus it\'s actually so bad: it\'s legendary. This conversation about this movie makes for the greatest almost standalone episode of the series! Brilliant talk! Jolly good fun! Enjoy!

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