EP90 - Alien Resurrection

Published: May 17, 2021, 4 a.m.

b'Alien Resurrection is a movie that needs to justify its own existence to its audience especially on the heels of Ripley\'s ultimate sacrifice. But what better way to continue our heroine\'s story than to lean into the Christ metaphor and resurrect her with late 90s-era cloning hysteria? Jean Pierre Jeunet earns his audience trust in this film by striking a decidedly goofier tone in this bizarre/grotesque romp that ends up demystifying the alien while honouring the Ripley narrative in a surprisingly satisfying way. Once again we get a stellar ensemble of misfits and some very impersonate-able moments that will leave you thirsty for more. Aleks wears the dunce cap in this ep for losing his audio and causing the gang to rerecord the episode and then having crunchy audio in his re-recording, but he makes up for it by yelling a lot. The gang gives Ripley a fitting send off as they finally complete the Quadrilogy including an emotional tribute from Leila at the end of the episode. You don\'t want to miss this one!


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