EP71 - Home Alone 2 Lost In New York

Published: Dec. 14, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'You loved part one! Now come relive many of your fav moments in a diluted cash grab sequel that despite its vapidness still manages to be pretty gall darn hilarious! The brothers talk more about the way class is represented in this movie through the contrasts of the excesses of the plaza hotel juxtaposed against the poverty stricken pigeon lady. Also she looks like Susan Boyle and Piers Morgan. Revisit your fav dysfunctional family and see the logical conclusion of being consistently neglected as a child! Kevin goes full on antagonistic socio in this film and it\'s rather interesting. Plus Tim Curry is an absolutely delightful performer. For what this film lacks in spirit it makes up for in decent oneliners and some pretty fun gags! Definitely still Pantheon! Definitely still classic childhood. Just not as good as the first despite what some people try to tell you. Hear the bros make that case in this fucking hilarious episode. Seriously funny ep. Don\'t miss it! Home Alone 2 Lost in New York!

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