EP169 - Unbreakable

Published: Dec. 11, 2023, 5 a.m.

b'Get ready for another riveting episode of "Planet Bruce" with your favorite brothers, Aleks and Milenko! This time, they\'re delving into the 2000 cinematic gem that boasts the powerhouse duo of Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson.In this episode, our hosts unravel the layers of this cool and intriguing movie, exploring the exceptional performances of Willis and Jackson. While the film captivates with its unique storyline, the brothers can\'t help but notice some repetition in M. Night Shyamalan\'s twist-ending formula, a signature move by the acclaimed director.What makes this episode truly special is the deep dive into the superhero and supervillain dynamic that the film presents. Witness the brilliant commentary subtly woven into the narrative, addressing race in America by associating Bruce Willis\' powers with the concept of white privilege. It\'s a thought-provoking aspect that adds a layer of depth to the movie.So, join us for this exciting episode of "Planet Bruce," where Aleks and Milenko dissect every nuance of the film, celebrating the brilliance of Willis and Jackson\'s performances and unraveling the thematic complexities embedded in the narrative. Get ready to be entertained, enlightened, and left thirsty for more. Stay tuned, and don\'t miss the dynamic conversation about this captivating piece of cinematic artistry!

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