EP165 - Armaggedon

Published: Nov. 13, 2023, 5 a.m.

b'Ladies and gentlemen, gear up for another thrilling episode of "Planet Bruce" with the dynamic duo, Aleks and Milenko! In this installment, the brothers journey back to 1998 to explore the classic blockbuster, "Armageddon," and trust us, it\'s anything but your typical space adventure.At first glance, it might appear as a tale of the "working man" Bruce Willis and his team of oil riggers, played by the likes of Steve Buscemi, Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Owen Wilson, being called upon by NASA to embark on an extraordinary mission. The goal? To dig a hole in an asteroid and save the world from impending doom. It\'s supposed to be a story about hardworking folks proving they\'re just as resourceful as NASA scientists and government officials.But, here\'s the twist: as the brothers delve into the film, they uncover layers that are, to put it mildly, quite cringe-worthy. "Armageddon" ends up reading more like a crypto propaganda piece for the oil and gas industry, with peculiar moments like Bruce Willis starting the movie by shooting golf balls at Greenpeace protesters.The film\'s undertones take on a sinister feel when considering the current state of accelerating climate change, and the traditional values woven into the plot add to the complexity. Liv Tyler\'s character, though pivotal as Bruce\'s daughter, feels underdeveloped and is primarily used to fuel the tension surrounding her relationship with Ben Affleck\'s character. This dynamic becomes a battleground for traditional patriarchal values.Despite its questionable status as a "classic," the brothers have an engaging and thought-provoking conversation about the film, shedding light on its deeper themes and industry influences. Join us for another intriguing episode of "Planet Bruce," where nothing is as it seems, and the brothers never fail to keep the conversation lively and enlightening. Stay tuned and get ready to quench your thirst for more!

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