EP152 - Death Becomes Her

Published: July 10, 2023, 4 a.m.

b'Welcome to "Thirsty for More," the ultimate 90s nostalgia movie podcast that quenches your thirst for all things retro! In this captivating episode, your hosts Aleks and Milenko take you on a journey through the darkly enchanting world of Death Becomes Her, a film that will transport you back to the golden era of the \'90s.Directed by the legendary filmmaker Robert Zemeckis, Death Becomes Her is a mesmerizing blend of horror, mystery, and dark comedy. This movie holds a special place in the hearts of many, as it captures that elusive balance of being simultaneously scary, mysterious, otherworldly, goofy, and utterly compelling. For Aleks and Milenko, who were fascinated with Tales From The Crypt as kids, this film strikes that perfect chord, tapping into the imagination and captivating the viewer.Featuring state-of-the-art visual effects, including the groundbreaking gross broken neck scene, Death Becomes Her showcases the visionary talent of its production design team. The movie\'s incredible visuals, paired with the masterful direction of Robert Zemeckis, create a world that is both enticing and haunting.In this special episode, the brothers are joined by a friend of the show, Dylan Berry, to explore the queer and drag elements present in Death Becomes Her. Together, they delve into the intersections of drag, horror, and the brilliance of this excellent film.Death Becomes Her boasts a phenomenal ensemble cast, with each actor bringing their unique talents to the screen. From the iconic performances of the main cast members to the chemistry that ignites between them, this film showcases the power of a truly exceptional ensemble.Join Aleks, Milenko, and Dylan Berry as they dissect this great and interesting classic movie. Explore the nostalgic charm, the captivating performances, and the magical allure of Death Becomes Her. Get ready for a lively discussion that delves deep into the heart of \'90s cinema, celebrating the brilliance of this film that is larger than the sum of its parts.

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