TU33: Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Roadmap To Understanding And Treatment

Published: June 16, 2017, 3:03 a.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE:\\nAdverse Childhood Experiences: A Roadmap To Understanding And Treatment\\nShow Notes\\nAdverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES)\\nACES was a ground breaking study where over 17,000 members of a Kaiser Permanente HMO were surveyed about childhood exposure to trauma. They were asked about ten areas:\\n\\n* Physical abuse\\n* Sexual abuse\\n* Emotional abuse\\n* Physical neglect\\n* Emotional neglect\\n* Mother treated violently\\n* Household substance abuse\\n* Household mental illness\\n* Parental separation or divorce\\n* Incarcerated household member\\n\\nFindings\\nThe study found that Adverse Childhood Experiences were common. They\\xa0tended to occur together. \\xa0And finally the higher the number of them an individual was exposed to the more predictive they were of future health, social and behavioral problems.\\xa0Subsequent studies have confirmed these findings and\\xa0continue to expand our\\xa0understanding of the prevalence of exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences across different populations and geography.\\nIntervention\\nThe strong links to future\\xa0health, social and behavioral problems has called attention to the need for interventions to prevent\\xa0Adverse Childhood Experiences and to treat individuals that already have an exposure to them. Interventions are being implemented in education, criminal justice, social services and many other areas. Some pediatricians are screening mothers and kids to identify risks and vulnerabilities or to understand behavior problems. Many schools focus on creating trauma-focused classrooms that help kids calm their nervous systems in order to allow them to focus on learning.\\nConclusion\\nThese exposures can become signposts or \\u201cwitness marks\\u201d to point us toward where attention and treatment are needed to reduce future risks\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nRESOURCES:\\nAdditional resources for this episode:\\n\\n* ACES: Adverse Childhood Experiences Study\\n* Once you have your ACES Score, go here to understand what it means.\\n* Now that you\\u2019ve taken the ACE Survey, take the resilience survey here!\\n* Childhood Disrupted \\u2013 How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology and How You Can Heal\\n* Check out this interactive graphic,\\xa0Consequences of Lifetime Exposure to Violence COLEVA \\u2014 Consequences of lifetime exposure to violence and abuse.\\xa0Go there to learn more and see more references to the detailed original research.\\n* These and other resources have been collected for you on our Resources page!\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nTweet'