TU22: Love Letter To Group Psychotherapy

Published: Feb. 20, 2017, 2:18 p.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE:\\nLove Letter To Group Psychotherapy\\nShow Notes\\nCo-hosts Sue Marriott and Patty Olwell interview colleagues at the American Group Psychotherapy 2016 Association Annual Meeting in New York. They talk about why they love group therapy and why it is so valuable to their clients. We want to thank our interviewees for their help and insights.\\nInterviewees for Love Letter To Group Psychotherapy\\n\\n* Tammy Brown \\u2013 Austin TX\\xa0tammybrowntherapy.com\\n* Jamie Moran \\u2013 San Francisco CA\\xa0jamiemoran.com\\n* Rita Drapkin \\u2013 Indiana University of Pennsylvania\\xa0(724)357-2621\\n* Pierre Choucroun \\u2013 Austin TX\\xa0Pierre M Choucroun on Psychology Today\\n* Kelly Inselmann \\u2013 Austin TX\\xa0kellyinselmann.com\\n* Liz Rosenblatt \\u2013 Los Angeles CA\\xa0Dr Elizabeth Rosenblatt on LAGPA\\n\\n\\xa0\\nRESOURCES:\\nAdditional resources for this episode:\\n\\n* Austin Group Psychotherapy Society: Organization that promotes group therapy and provides training for clinicians\\n* American Group Psychotherapy Association: \\xa0National organization that promotes group therapy as a cost effective and clinical valuable treatment.\\n* Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy Scott Rutan Walter Stone and Joseph Shay.\\xa0These are masters of group. Excellent text for therapists and others eager to learn about group. You can trust these authors.\\n* These and other resources have been collected for you on our Resources page!\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nTweet'