TU18: Polyvagal Theory: Understanding Irrational Threat Responses in Relationships

Published: Jan. 18, 2017, 7:47 p.m.

b'Unpack the science behind the polyvagal theory, with psychotherapists and co-hosts of this podcast, Ann Kelley, Patty Olwell and Sue Marriott as they explore how our nervous system appraises safety and danger. Then they discuss how to harness the knowledge and make it usable in real life.\\nWhat Is Polyvagal Theory\\nStephen Porges developed polyvagal theory, which explains our nervous system\\u2019s response to stress or danger. It describes a three part hierarchical system. The first, the ventral vagal is described in the podcast as a safety system or green zone. The second is activation. This is the sympathetic nervous system getting us ready for fight or flight. In the podcast described as an activated red zone. The third system is the dorsal vagal, which is immobilization or freeze. In the podcast described as an immobilized red zone.\\nHow Does Polyvagal Theory Work\\nThe theory describes how we assess stress or danger based on cues in the environment. If we begin to sense stress our sympathetic or activation system begins to kick in. Then we attempt to engage our ventral vegal or social engagement system (the green zone). If that doesn\\u2019t work, the threat persists or intensifies we employ our activation system. We get ready to take action. Our heart rate increases to prepare us for fight or flight. Then if the threat is too large or we can\\u2019t escape the system of last resort, the dorsal vegal takes over.\\nHow Understanding Polyvagal Theory Can Help Me Regulate Stress\\nToday most of us are not chasing saber-toothed tigers through the jungle. So the stressors and dangers we face are often interpersonal. We can often because of our own personal histories misread the environmental cues. If we walk into a party and don\\u2019t see a familiar face our sympathetic nervous system can get activated. If we understand from polyvagal theory that we have a social engagement system and that engaging it will calm us down, we then have strategies that we can use. We can look for a friendly face and start a conversation. We can find someone we know at the party and make contact. This understanding gives us choices when we want to calm ourselves or help our children, partners or friends calm their nervous systems.\\nImportant Concepts\\nVagus Nerve \\u2013 10th cranial nerve and part of the parasympathetic nervous system. Has two branches and acts as a brake on the sympathetic nervous system.\\nVentral Vagal \\u2013 The newer myelinated branch of the vagus that developed in mammals. Controls the social engagement system.\\nDorsal Vagal- More primitive unmyelinated branch of the vagus nerve. Acts as a Sympathetic Nervous System \\u2013 part of the autonomic nervous system that controls activation.\\nParasympathetic Nervous System \\u2013 part of the autonomic nervous system that inhibits the sympathetic nervous system\\nNeuroception \\u2013 Porges term that describes how our nervous system assesses whether people or places are safe, dangerous or life threatening\\n\\xa0\\nRESOURCES:\\nAdditional resources for this episode:\\n\\n* \\nStephen W. Porges -The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation\\n\\n* These and other resources have been collected for you on our Resources page!\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nTweet'