TU17: The Biology of Motivation and Habits: Why We Drop the Ball

Published: Jan. 11, 2017, 2:37 a.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE:\\xa0\\nBiology of Motivation and Habits:\\xa0Why We Drop the Ball\\nUnderstanding Research Behind Motivation and Habits\\nEven when it is so important to us, why is it that it\\u2019s so hard to follow through when we are trying to make or break habits? In this episode, we discuss research and biology around why it is so hard to change our patterns and stick to the goals we set for ourselves.\\nHow we view our goals significantly impacts how we behave and the decisions we make. In general, people tend to have elevated levels of motivation and aspirations when we are planning for a \\u2018new start\\u2019 or considering our future self. However, we tend to minimize the obstacles that will get in our way.\\nIn this episode, we discuss why ignoring these obstacles is a big factor to our \\u201cdropping the ball,\\u201d why we tend to do it, and how our brain \\u201cchunks\\u201d patterns of behavior into well-worn habits that require very minimal thinking and decision-making along the way. Our brains are highly trained to focus first on survival\\u2026not on our higher aspirational selves. Developing strategies to tune into your higher, value-driven self may be just what we need to help move out of automation and accomplish goals that are so important to ourselves.\\nLearn about our neurochemical reward system, habituation and satiation systems so that you can hack your biology.\\nJoin our email list at\\xa0www.therapistuncensored.com\\xa0to access our private online Facebook community supporting the dissemination of the relational sciences to support healthy connections and relationships around the world!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nRESOURCES:\\nAdditional resources for this episode:\\n\\n* \\nJefferey M. Schwartz, M.D. & Rebecca Gladding, M.D. \\u2013 You are Not Your Brain \\u2013 The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking and Taking Control of Your Life.\\n\\n* \\nAnn M. Graybiel & Kyle S. Smith (2014). \\u2013 How the Brain Makes and Breaks Habits\\n\\n* \\nJudith Wright \\u2013 The Soft Addiction Solution: Break Free of the Seemingly Harmless Habits That Keep You From The Life You Want.\\n\\n* \\nCharles Duhigg (2012) -The Neuroscience of Habits: How They From and How to Change Them\\n\\n* \\nThese and other resources have been collected for you on our Resources page!\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nTweet'