TU08: Understanding Emotional Triggers: Why Your Buttons Get Pushed and What To Do About It

Published: Sept. 28, 2016, 4:30 a.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE:\\nShow Notes \\u2013 Therapist Uncensored\\nEpisode 8:\\nUnderstanding Emotional Triggers: Why Your Buttons Get Pushed and What to Do About It\\nExcerpt: \\xa0Therapists explain the neuroscience behind emotional over-reactivity.\\n\\xa0The term triggers has been co-opted by social media and teens to mean having big feelings, but \\u201ctrigger\\u201d is originally an important psychodynamic term related to trauma.\\nIn this episode we discuss the neurobiology behind the experience of being triggered.\\nThe channel is right but the volume it too high.\\xa0It occurs when we feel something stronger than we can understand.\\xa0 Neurobiologically speaking, we are having an implicit memory. \\xa0Amygdala oriented instead of hippocampal oriented.\\nWe talk about the different kinds of trauma that can create triggers.\\nWe discuss implicit versus explicit memory and why it\\u2019s good to sort this out in relationships, and how we get in all kinds of trouble misattributing implicit memory to current situations.\\nIs it LIVE or is it MEMOREX is an important question for relationships \\u2013 is my reaction to you in this moment boosted by something that I\\u2019m not actually consciously remembering, which would explain why I\\u2019m over-reacting a bit?\\xa0 It helps to get curious about that rather than accusatory.\\nInvestigate feelings with curiosity and care rather than righteously thinking feelings are facts.\\nWe look at how in a relationship the best approach is when we can step back and notice how our nervous system and the other person\\u2019s nervous system are reacting. Then we have the choice to go on the ride with them; get dysregulated or consciously use our more regulated state to gently nudge them back toward regulation.\\nConcrete ideas to implement are discussed.\\n\\xa0\\nRESOURCES:\\nAdditional resources for this episode:\\n\\n* Marco Iacoboni \\u2013 Mirroring People, The Science of Empathy and How We Connect with Others\\xa0\\n* Steven Porges \\u2013\\xa0The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation\\n* Dan Siegel \\u2013\\xa0The Mindful Brain Reflections on Attunement and the Culture of Well-being\\n\\n\\n* These and other resources have been collected for you on our Resources page!\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nTweet'