TU07: What is Group Therapy and 5 Reasons You Should Try It

Published: Sept. 19, 2016, 2:25 p.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE:\\nEpisode 7: What is Group Therapy and 5 Reasons You Should Try It\\nShow Notes\\n\\n* Group therapy is often stereotyped and definitely overlooked as a way to deal with challenges in your life, this episode goes into this is a fun way\\n* It offers a chance to experiment with real emotions and aspects of your life.\\n* It helps you notice issues and habitual patterns in your life\\n* You can try different responses and different behaviors in group that you might not feel comfortable doing in your everyday life and relationships.\\n* The other people in the group can offer a variety of different views and perspectives to help you work through things.\\n* You can say things honestly to others with the knowledge that everyone will return next week, and you can continue to work through difficulties.\\n* Group provides you with a sense of community and belonging. It can really help with issues of social isolation.\\n* Group can provide stability that is not always present in personal life.\\n* Group is relatively low compared to other therapy, and it can last for longer.\\n\\n\\xa0\\nRESOURCES:\\nAdditional resources for this episode:\\n\\n* Austin Group Psychotherapy Society: Organization that promotes group therapy and provides training for clinicians\\n* American Group Psychotherapy Association: \\xa0National organization that promotes group therapy as a cost effective and clinical valuable treatment.\\n* Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy Scott Rutan Walter Stone and Joseph Shay.\\xa0These are masters of group. Excellent text for therapists and others eager to learn about group. You can trust these authors.\\n* These and other resources have been collected for you on our Resources page!\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nTweet'