The Mandalorian Used to Smear, Deplatforming Gets WORSE, The Stadia Dumpster FIRE Rages On, Batwoman & Supergirl Circle the Drain

Published: Nov. 28, 2019, 1:35 a.m.

Every time you have a major release the grifters looking to peddle outrage are quick in hits heels but with the Mandalorian, it's a whole new level.

This isn't going to stop, it's only going to get worse. Please take a moment to share the message of this video to support alt-tech.

Google Stadia, the service nobody wanted and nobody bought continues to look hilariously bad.

I don't like to celebrate someone losing too much but I do take a special interest in when shows like Batwoman which clearly pander and go over the top with woke trash end up failing.