Published: June 26, 2015, 8:12 p.m.

Video games cost money. How do we use money wisely without letting money control us? Zach, Justin, Ted, Clauson, and Yann Wong talk about it! Also, a constant echo persists throughout (apologies in advance!).Topics include Singapore, Sunset, Hearthstone, Blizzard, Heroes of the Storm, World of WarCraft, Destiny: The Taken King, horse armor, upselling, Hearthstone Heroes, Freemium, free to play models, DLC, Season Pass, game collecting, Sniper Elite, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Dragon Ball Z, Simpsons: Tapped Out, intangible assets, longevity of video game cartridges, Phantasy Star Online, the concept of value, Shadow of the Colossus, and other things!