XZRS: Kimberly Cheryl - Escape from the Pharma Drug Cartel

Published: May 19, 2021, 11:56 a.m.

"I went to school and have my college degree. I married and had children. I had a successful career for 18 years-top sales with award winning trips for seven of those years. I have saved for my retirement. I have savings accounts for my children to go to college. I pay my taxes and volunteer my time to many worthy causes like the Epilepsy foundation and the Alzheimer's Association. Yes, I own two nice cars, a big screen TV, and expensive suits and am an incorrigible shopaholic, but I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I'd been blessed with a comfortable middle class life until one split second took it all away."

Kimberly Cheryl was living the American Dream until she was seriously injured in a car accident. Unexpectedly fired by the company she long served, she found herself without a job, without insurance, and without any means of paying off her obligations. She quickly moved from a position of observer and participant of the health care industry to being adversely affected by the same system.

In Escape from the Pharma Drug Cartel, Cheryl reveals how our health care system is broken, unjust, and inhumane. "Every other industrialized nation manages to provide almost all its citizens with guaranteed health insurance, while spending less on health care than we do," Cheryl writes. How is it possible that the United States-a leader in health care development and drug discovery-is not able to provide its citizens with medical care when countries like Australia and China do?

In Escape from the Pharma Drug Cartel, Kimberly Cheryl takes the reader on a shocking, revealing, and provocative tour of the pharmaceutical industry of America as only an insider can.

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