XZRS: Don Ledger - Don Ledger - Shag Harbour UFO Event

Published: May 19, 2021, 11:19 a.m.

In 1965 a massive wave of UFO sightings occurs worldwide. In 1967 residents of Shag Harbor, Canada, witness a huge UFO crash into the bay. Three Royal Canadian Mounties watch it float before sinking. Navy divers mount an extensive search. Now officials say nothing ever happened. Why?

Researchers Don Ledger and Chris Styles — Styles himself an eyewitness to the Shag Harbor crash — have tackled one of the best documented and most top-secret incidents in the annals of UFO sightings. What they have found out will astound — and outrage — readers.

From mysterious surveillance twenty-five years after the crash to the sudden disappearance of written records, someone wanted the investigation stopped. But Ledger and Styles now file their stunning report — and reach a chilling conclusion about the Dark Object, what really happened, and what remains hidden today....

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