Rob McConnell Interviews - DR. RAJIV PARTI, MD - Near-Death Experiences Are Real

Published: July 17, 2022, 9:27 a.m.

Dr. Rajiv Parti, MD : Dr. Rajiv Parti, MD, is a world-renowned heart anesthesiologist and was chief of anesthesiology at Bakersfield Heart Hospital for more than a decade before having his life-changing near-death experience. Trained in western medicine, Dr. Parti is also a student of eastern medicine, which has led him to formulate an integrative approach to total wellness.

He is a certified co-active coach from the Coaches Training Institute, A Mars Venus coach trained by Dr. John Gray, a certified ayurvedic practitioner, a certified high performance coach, grief recovery coach with training in trauma work, and a certified meditation instructor from the Chopra University.