Risky Business: Watching Your Step in the Digital Age

Published: March 27, 2017, 11:30 p.m.

b"Phil and Stephen examine different kinds of risks that technology enables.\\n\\nA Lithuanian phisher tricked two big US tech companies into wiring him $100 million\\n\\nThe scammer, 48-year-old Evaldas Rimasauskas, did so by masquerading as a prominent Asian hardware manufacturer, according to court documents, and tricking employees into depositing tens of millions of dollars into bank accounts in Latvia, Cyprus, and numerous other countries.\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nNew App Lets You Find Strangers on Facebook Just By Taking Their Picture\\n\\nNext time you pass by a sexy stranger, rather than imagining her identity or fanciful ideas of your future life together, simply snap her photo and track down her Facebook. Hey, it's not creepy or invasive at all!\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\nWhat\\u2019s the Harm: the Body Count of Pseudoscience\\n\\n3 million people die every year from vaccine-preventable diseases (though this number could potentially rise as new vaccines are developed for diseases such as malaria). 1.5 million are children under the age of five.\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nWT 282-591"