James Hughes on Democracy and Transhumanism, Best of TWT

Published: Feb. 15, 2017, 12:30 a.m.

b'[This show originally aired 12/24/2007.]\\n\\nJames Hughes\' first appearance on FastForward Radio. Topics:\\nJames\' workwith the\\xa0World Transhumanist Association\\xa0and\\xa0the Institute for\\xa0Ethics and Emerging Technologies.How "sexy" became a tag line for James\' \\xa0radio show,\\xa0Change Surfer Radio.We talked some about the disagreement that Hughes has had with\\xa0Eliezer Yudkowsky. Hughes is less enthusiastic about friendly AI (Eliezer\'s primary interest) than human enhancement.Why transhumanists should be pro-democracy.How, in one sense, AI has been around for thousands of years. These ancient meta-intelligences might have something to say about how new AI\'s and transhumans develop.How Dr. Hughes takes issue with "The Army of Davids" approach from Glenn Reynolds. He argues, in essence, that we have the Davids, but not the army.How bio-conservatives on both the left and right are beginning to unite against transhumanism.How transhumanism differs around the world.What transhumanists may have in common with bio-conservatives.How mere environmentalism is not going to fix global warming - we should fix what we broke.'