Don't Fear the Robots! (Or Should We?)

Published: March 4, 2017, 12:30 a.m.

b"Hosts Phil Bowermaster and Stephen Gordon discuss positive and worrying trends related to artificial intelligence\\n\\nReinforcement Learning\\n\\nRelated: Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning\\n\\nFear Not the Robots - Jobs Aren't Scarce\\n\\nThe flip-side of the scarcity proposition, one that economists and others usually ignore, is that limitless consumption desires, relative to productive resources, means the number of tasks for people to do is also limitless. Jobs aren\\u2019t scarce! They are limitless as sure as consumption desires relative to productive resources are limitless. The notion that there is a fixed number of tasks or jobs to do at any point in time is bogus. Ditto for the notion that job opportunities can fall. A community\\u2019s economic ladder always has more rungs to climb.\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nVirtual assistant Hound can make you an espresso while it reads your football scores\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nOTHER GEEK\\n\\nUpdates on Space and books on Audible\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nWT 273-582"