Better than You Think? Part 3: Environment, Energy, and Food

Published: Oct. 27, 2017, 11:30 p.m.

b'Why the World Is (Still) Better Than You Think\\u2014New Evidence For Abundance\\n\\nUpdate\\n\\nPolio to be eradicated this year!\\n\\n\\nEnvironment\\nthe global annual death rate from natural disasters has plummeted over the past centuryFaster, cheaper, easier, and more accurate tracking of animals via dronesFighting deforestation via drones and machine learning\\nOur example\\n\\nThe Billion Oyster Project\\n\\nEnergy\\nmore people around the world have access to electricity than ever, and the absolute number of those without access to electricity is dropping (despite population growth).India has gone from 45 percent access to electricity in 1990 to nearly 80 percent in 2014Afghanistan [went] from 0.16 percent of the population in 2000 to 89.5 percent of the population in 2014.\\nOur Examples\\n\\nBasic Power\\n\\nAlternative Energy and the Future\\n\\nFood\\nGlobally, 18.6 percent of the population was undernourished in 1991; by 2015, it dropped to 10.8 percent.Human-Free FarmsFood From Electricity\\nOur Example\\n\\nChild and teen obesity rates soar globally, WHO reports\\n\\nBonus\\n\\nIBM scientists say radical new \\u2018in-memory\\u2019 computing architecture will speed up computers by 200 times\\n\\nGEEK OUT!\\n\\nWT 363-673'