Better All the Time! Best of TWT

Published: July 11, 2017, 11:30 p.m.

b"Phil, Stephen, and Michael D. discuss future-facing news stories that are (almost) too good to be true:\\n\\nWho would have thought that study of a potato virus would lead to a treatment for Alzheimer's Disease?\\n\\nSpock's Chessboard\\n\\nThe future is less knowable today than ever. Human creativity is both the cause of this, and how to deal with this. Here is the Sir Ken Robinson TED Talk\\n\\nAnything (gross) can be turned into oil.\\n\\nTweaking the gene for ear hair can improve hearing for many with hearing loss.\\n\\nCloud computing -- it no longer matters what Internet-based machine the user is operating.\\n\\nSteam video game service. No more worrying about patches for games because you're games are updated automatically.\\n\\nCat lost for 9 years is returned to the owner because of a embedded microchip.\\n\\nSuccess for the Large Hadron Collider worked.\\n\\n[This show first aired September 22, 2008.]"