De-Eveling BitMain with BraiinsOS ~ Jan Capek & Pavel Moravec ~ Understanding Bitcoin

Published: April 26, 2019, 9:55 p.m.

Braiins OS is the very first fully open-source, Linux based system for cryptocurrency embedded devices. Finally, you know exactly what’s running on your device, have the ability to customize it and enjoy significant power saving and performance improvements. With overt AsicBoost enabled by default, you can be really sure that you do not spend more than you really have to. 13% energy savings. BULK DEVICE UPDATES Install and update Braiins OS on your farm quickly and efficiently using the provided scripts. We use the standard opkg package system to facilitate fast and hassle-free updates. BULK DEVICE UPDATES Install and update Braiins OS on your farm quickly and efficiently using the provided scripts. We use the standard opkg package system to facilitate fast and hassle-free updates. Overclocking Per chain frequency and voltage control allows you to tweak the performance an squeeze even more out of your devices. ADVANCED MONITORING Lots of performance data are available on the status page and ready to be pulled through the miner API. Have a perfect overview of what is going on. Understanding Bitcoin conference is organized with a focus on the non-technical, non-developer users that want to increase their knowledge and technical participation in the Bitcoin network. Not everyone has the skills to take full advantage of what Bitcoin has to offer, so this event will help the average user be more familiar with best practices and understanding all aspects of interacting with the Bitcoin network. There will be practical hands on presentations of how to set up features, along with theoretical discussions removing the FUD and misconceptions surrounding the current state of Bitcoin’s Trustless Network.