Kelly Rompel on ADHD, Anxiety, and Dont Tell Me to Relax

Published: Jan. 18, 2023, 10 a.m.


Episode Highlights With Kelly

  • Why she transitioned from a pharmacist to a functional medicine specialist and why she now works with ADHD and anxiety patients
  • The common root causes she sees for these chronic issues
  • Dopamine connection and why ADHD is not just a dopamine deficiency
  • Common gut issues and how they present in problems in the body and the brain
  • Other factors that contribute to these issues that people don\\u2019t always realize
  • Why ADHD and anxiety often go hand in hand
  • The vitamin and mineral deficiencies that often play a role in why we see these issues together
  • Importance of asking why, when there is a chemical imbalance or diagnosis instead of just treating the symptom
  • Why ice baths help with dopamine production
  • The importance of protein consumption for producing neurotransmitters
  • What to understand about caffeine consumption, especially with ADHD and anxiety
  • Another reason to get protein in the morning before caffeine and why its so important for women
  • How underlying infections can be a huge source of stress on the body
  • The way certain exercises boost GABA and can help reduce some of these symptoms

Resources We Mention

Thanks to Our Sponsors:

HigherDOSE - Check out their sauna blanket, PEMF mat, red light face mask and so much more! I use their PEMF mat several times during the week. Use code mama15 for a discount.

Wellnesse - My line of clean and non-toxic personal care products such as toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and much more!
